Friday, February 17, 2012

2012: Week Four

Week Four (Jan 22-28) was fun and busy!

Cole woke up with some serious bed-head one morning.

Nate loves his basketball goal.

We had one warm day to play outside!

Cole's first top tooth finally broke through!

On Saturday we took our first family trip to Krispy Kreme!
and then we checked out a play place for Nate's birthday party!  A fun week with the boys!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012: Week Three

I didn't do so great for week 3...oh well.  Here's what we were up to:

Trying to get Cole to take a sippy cup.  He's not a fan.

My baby prefers to fall asleep with his bottle.

The boys got out their chairs to watch tv one morning.  So sweet.

I definitely took a ton more pictures last week, so the week 4 update will be big!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

2012: Week Two

We had a pretty standard week last week...not too much to tell.  Joel was out of town at a conference so we just stuck to our normal routines of school, gym and home.  I wasn't feeling great towards the end of the week, so we were very glad to have Daddy home on Friday afternoon!

I put the boys in these matching jammies one afternoon and Nate wanted to play in Cole's crib.

Cole's new cheesy face.

 The boys got these fun chef hats from their Aunt Megan & Uncle Dion.  This monogram loving momma approves and so do they!

Cole is still loving his jumpy.

Nate has become quite the navigator, telling me which way to go to various destinations.  He also gets rather annoyed when he thinks I'm going the wrong way.  This is getting old fast!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012: Week One

Hi Friends and happy 2012!

Last year my blogging was spotty at best, so I am going to try a new approach this year.  I'll (try to) post once a week, recapping the previous week...mostly with pictures.  As always we keep our pictures uploaded on our SmugMug account.

Here is how we started off our year!

 We broke out our party hats to celebrate the New Year (at 7pm!)  Nate loved running around yelling "party hats!" Cole wasn't a fan of wearing his hat.

 Cole is cruising everywhere, but not walking yet.  He is pulling up and wanting to climb stairs, so security measures have been heightened around here.
Late last year I joined a gym.  It has been great for everyone!  Nate and Cole love the childcare (and the providers think Cole is especially adorable!)  This is my "before" shot for January.  Working on these last 10 pre-baby pounds!

Nate went to his friend Marshall's birthday party at the "Fire Nation" as Nate calls it.  He did so great with the fireman, even giving him a hug.

I think he was a little disappointed he wasn't going on a ride along...he jumped up in the fire truck and didn't move!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Nate update!

Nate is two and a half now and continues to do more and more every day.  His verbal skills have really taken off and he is mastering his two word sentences and is constantly mimicking what we say. 

He also loves singing!  I think the longest string of words he says is "Old McDonald had a farm."  He is ALWAYS asking to sing it.  Other favorites are Itsy, Bitsy Spider, Jesus Loves Me and Wheels on the Bus.  He has also started requesting "The Baby Song" (Rock a Bye Baby) and will climb in your lap and want you to rock him and sing.  We have no idea where this came from as it isn't something we ever did, but it's too adorable not to give in.  He will also go on to request "The Daddy Song" or "The Mommy Song" and want you to fill in other names.  This has gone on through several family members, even Sammy.

Nate is getting better about eating different foods and we are also working harder on eating meals as a family and not just giving in to his food requests (otherwise he would live off of granola bars and goldfish.)

Being a rambunctious 2 year old we are definitely having some battles of wills and starting to figure out what kinds of discipline are going to work best for us.  For weeks we were having lots of sleep time issues after we took his pacifier away.  He will take off his pajamas and destroy his room at times, but we have come up with ways to combat all of these behaviors.  Let me tell you, it is no fun to find your toddler naked and sitting on top of his (tall) dresser when you got to get him up in the morning. 

Nate enjoys school and seeing his friends at church.  He is always very excited to leave the house!  He is also so sweet with Cole and I know they are going to be good friends!  Nate will say "What's wrong, Cole?" when he's crying and will sometimes help put Cole to bed, saying "Night Night, Cole.  Sweet Dreams" 

His favorite playtime activities include stacking blocks, playing with his animals and his Thomas "cuter" (computer).  That was a great consignment sale find and has letter and number games that he loves.  As for tv shows he is more into Nick Junior shows like Yo Gabba Gabba and Backyardigans but still also loves Caillou.

Cole: 9 months!

Cole is 9 months old!  He has done an awesome job of not going up too fast for Mommy (though I was literally screaming and crying this past weekend when he was trying to pull up!)

He is a healthy boy, weighing in at 19 pounds 10 ounces (50%) and standing 28 inches tall (25-50%).  He continues to be fitting into the same clothes Nate wore during the same seasons, which has been so nice!  I recently unpacked all of the 12 month clothes and he is starting to move into those.

For such a fussy infant, Cole rarely fusses now.  He is awesome at bedtime and really just wants to be put in his crib and he'll go right to sleep.  When he wakes up he doesn't cry and often just plays and talks to himself! Truthfully he cries the most when he is trying to get Sammy to "play" with him and Sammy isn't having it.  He can make quite the sad face at that!  It can be hard to coax a smile out of him at times and he has a habit of sucking on his bottom's pretty cute.

He loves eating- feeding himself his bottles and picking up his own finger foods.  Poor guy still doesn't have any teeth...though it seems like he's been teething one since forever.  He also doesn't have much hair :(  And he's so pretty he often gets mistaken for a girl.  ha!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of School!

Nate had his first day of preschool for the year today!  He will go on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-1.

I tried to take a picture before school and this is what he did.  Wasn't in the mood!
 Once at school he dove right in to doing puzzles and meeting new friends.
 His school has a fun aquarium with turtles!
He loves his new backpack!

I know it will be so much fun for him to tell me about his days this year, since last year he couldn't say much.  From today he "told" me that he recognized his friend Eli, who was in his class last year and that they sang Wheels on the Bus.