Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I was so happy to decorate the house for Fall last Saturday....it's probably my favorite season...and having an excuse to have candy all over the house isn't half bad either :-)

My attempt at being Martha-like (recognize the basket, Mom?)

And surprisingly saved the perfectly proportioned pumpkins from the basket to make this little topiary


Spoiled already?

We've received many presents for us and our baby from our sweet friends...

From Joel's assistant this cute robe and towel set...and behind that many clothes that "Nanna" couldn't resist shopping for the day after we announced that Ace was coming...

Some good reading materials for the parents-to-be...The Belly Book to record things during the pregnancy from Sharla & Josh, Belly Laughs to keep things light and humorous from Liz & Rex, and Safe Baby Handling Tips from Rachel & Nelson

I think Joel needed this page...can we add a part about Mommy not liking chess either?

And Nelson and Rachel gave us some good baby name suggestions--

we were cracking up at this. Needless to say, our baby will not have a name that ends in the "y" sound...or anything that can be construed into a nickname ending in the "y" sound. This limits the choices of names greatly!

We're very excited that in ONE WEEK we will know if Ace is a boy or a girl...and then I can start shopping!

Belly Update

I know this is long overdue....I think I officially "popped" around 15 weeks, but here it looks more like 16....

12 weeks

13 weeks

14 weeks

15 weeks

16 weeks...and my new haircut--thanks to Meredith :-)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Announcement!

We're having a baby!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but when I'm keeping a secret it's hard for me to talk about anything else! You can catch up on what's been going on so far with some posts I just posted.

We made the trip home to tell our families this weekend (under the guise of attending the Campbell football game)--it was a fun surprise to deliver!

Catching Up

Forgive my back-posting here--but here's what we've been up to for the past couple of weeks:

My sister Megan and her friend Lauren came to Atlanta for the great wedding dress search! We had 2 days to find the perfect dress for her wedding in October-and luckily we found it! It was a fun weekend with lots of yummy food, Olympics watching and playing games. I also got to spill the beans about the baby :-)

Then Sharla, Josh and Jackson visited! The weather didn't co-operate for us to do a photo shoot like we had planned, but we had fun nonetheless. Josh helped get our computer back into shape, Sharla is a pro at helping navigate Babies R Us (and listening to the gripes of a disgruntled first time mom while trying to manhandle car seats and strollers) and Jackson is so cute and smiley. Sammy did good, and was more interested in stealing Jackson's toys than anything.

This weekend we made the trip home to let the family in on our secret. Both of our parents were very surprised and excited. Joel's mom (now known as Nanna) pulled out a ton of Joel, Lauren and Alan's baby clothes for us to take that were in surprisingly great condition. And she got a start on clothes shopping for the little one...I have a feeling he/she is going to be a little spoiled by Nanna. While we were home we attended the first Campbell football game in 58 years. It was sooooo hot! And although we didn't win, we put up a good fight (which was much more than we expected).

For now we are glad to be home and have a relatively quiet September planned.