Sunday, May 25, 2008

West Coast Bound

We're leaving tomorrow for our trip here-


and here-
We'll be back on the 2nd with plenty of pictures!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Garden: Week 6

I didn't even realize that we had definite fruit going until I went to load the pictures that Joel took off of the camera! I wish I could get a look myself, but it is pouring outside. At least the garden is getting a good soaking!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blast from the my glove box

So, while driving home this afternoon, I was trying to stuff my new car registration in my glove box. I realized that I quite possibly had every single piece of paperwork related to car maintenance from the last 5 years (since I've owned the car) I decided to clean it out. I mean, other people clean out their glove boxes while sitting in traffic....right? So I pull out probably 6 oil change receipts, a warranty for 4 tires (none of which are even on the car anymore), about 4 expired insurance cards, 3 GA registrations AND.....

a pack of pictures from Target from New Years Eve circa 2005. That's right folks, these pictures have been in my glove box for at least 3 years. And I didn't even miss them. It was a great time that New Year's. Everyone came down and we partied it up ATL style.

So let this me a lesson to me to not shove things in my glove box....they might not make it out for 3 years!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our Garden: Weeks 4 and 5

Trying out Windows Live Writer, as recommended by Sharla, this week. 

garden week 4 Week 4

garden week 5 Week 5

Nothing really special happening....a few of the tomato plants have flowers on them now.  So that's a good sign!  Joel discovered this week that we don't have tarragon in the garden...something he needed to make a dry rub he found a recipe for...

**Sharla--I'm hooked on Live Writer!  Thanks for the tip!**

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Working to live...not living to work

So work has been crazy this week...actually for a few weeks now, hence my lack of posting. I did get to travel for work last week though. We had our Region Conference in Hollywood, FL. It was great to connect some faces to names--there are over 225 people in our region, so I've really only met the local folks face to face. The days were long, but I did get to spend 2 hours at the beach one afternoon and the hotel was really nice. I did miss Joel and Sammy a lot though and was glad to come home.

"Working" while enjoying my Shock Top Belgian White at dinner by the Intracoastal Waterway...Josh I'm bringing you and Jackson some of this to replace your Blue Moon :-)

Loving our new couch--

We're loving our new ikea couch--this is mostly for you, Mom--the only one who has a good excuse not to come visit :-)

Because a dog in the tub is always cute...

Wii love our friends...

Ok, so that was really corny. We went to visit Rex & Liz a couple of weekends ago, but the only picture I have is this one of Joel Wii bowling

Next weekend Joel is going back up to help them move into their new house...and then the next weekend we are both going up to go to with them to the NASCAR All Star Race at Lowes Motor Speedway...and then a little over a week later we'll be leaving for our trip to Yosemite together. So guys...I hope we don't get tired of you :-)

Our Garden: Week 3

The garden got some good rain last we'll see if it helped. It doesn't look all that different, but I scrolled through the three pictures in a row and it is making some progress. Guess I need to start working on some finding some good recipes to use all these herbs!