Sunday, March 22, 2009

Picture Page

For those who want to see quantity over quality- we've set up this picture page for Nate. We'll post more pictures there. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

First week at home

We've had quite a first week at are the highlights.

Ready to leave the hospital on Thursday

Leaving for the doctor on Friday morningAt the pediatricians office...Nate is really getting used to this place!

Nate was tested for jaundice twice before leaving the hospital. His first test was borderline, but then his second had gone down, so they let us go home. On Friday at the pediatrician they retested him and his number had gone way up. They sent us home with a bilibed for him to lie in and we had to go back to the doctor on Saturday to have his numbers rechecked again.
Nate in the bilibed, which he hated the first night.

On Saturday his numbers had gone up again, so we needed to supplement his feedings with formula to get his system flushed out. We had to retest on Sunday at the hospital and thankfully his numbers had gone down enough to take him off of the lights. Back again to the doctor on Monday and his numbers had gone up, but not too much for them to be concerned. We scheduled to go back today (Thursday) to check his weight and bilirubin numbers again! His numbers went up again today, so we are only feeding with formula today and will have to test again tomorrow. If you weren't counting, tomorrow will be his 8th test! Hopefully the numbers will go down!

Our first walk around the neighborhoodNate's welcome sign from church

Nana and Papa Penny couldn't wait to get their hands on Nate and arrived last night. It's been nice to have a break on the nighttime feedings/crying and will have lots of food to eat when they leave.

Nate's birth story

Monday, March 9th- Had my last appointment to get checked for any progress. I was still where I had been for 2 weeks (3 cm; 75% effaced) and not having any contractions, so they agreed to schedule to induce the next morning on his due date. I was overjoyed to know that he’d be arriving right on time, even if we did have to coax him out.

Trying to work Nate out by bouncing on the exercise ball!Having my last meal of Chick Fil A with Megan on Monday night

Joel was not interested in waking up so early on Nate's birthday

Last belly pictureSammy knew something was up with all of the packing and did not want us to leave

Tuesday, March 10th- We checked in at 6:30 am and were in our room by 7:30. Dr. Anthony broke my water, started the pitocin and would come check me around 12.

Getting the IV was probably the worst part!

So we settled in and waited for the contractions to come! They started coming on stronger around 11 and I was getting really uncomfortable and taking it out on Joel’s hand.

These were the worst least the worst ones that I had to feel!

Megan arrived around 12 and brought lunch for Joel. I requested my epidural shortly after that and Dr. Anthony came to check me. I was at 6 cm, which I was glad to hear, since I had wanted to get to at least 5 cm before getting the epidural. The next hour was the worst and I was so happy when my epidural arrived around 1. It was wonderful! We really just relaxed for the afternoon and waited for things to progress. I even got a short nap.

Happy after the epidural!

Dr. Anthony came to check me again around 4:45 and I was at 10 cm! They had me start pushing around 5 and my nurse set a goal to have him out by 5:45 and if not then, definitely by 6. The other doctor from the practice had just delivered another baby on the floor, and came in to help cheer me on for the last pushes and was there when Nate arrived at 5:50! The whole labor experience was really a positive one and we were so happy to finally have our little guy here!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just waiting...

Had a good appointment yesterday--no changes really, but Nate has it could be any moment. BUT, if we don't have a baby by Monday I'll have another appointment and then they'll schedule to induce on Tuesday or Wednesday! We're glad to know that we won't have too much longer to wait!

It's been a good first week for me at home. We had snow on Sunday!

I've gotten a lot of things done on my to do list this week and am just ready for Nate to get here. He did get some mail this week...which made me smile.