Monday, May 23, 2011

A small house project

We haven't done many projects in our "new" house, just painting Cole's room.  I have 2 projects brewing right now, but when I realized we could tackle this one Joel knocked it out really quickly!

We have a small area between our front entry and our living room where the door to the basement is.  We thought it would be fun to paint the wall opposite the basement door with magnetic and chalkboard paint so Nate could have a little play area!

It came out great!  Nate loves to "stick" the letters and numbers on the wall.  We haven't pulled out the chalk for him just yet (mostly because I haven't had the time to sit with him to do it), but we hope this little wall will lead to hours of entertainment!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nate Says

I've sooooo been looking forward to start these posts, ever since Sharla started "Jacksonisms."  Nate's finally getting chatty enough for me to make a post!

He's working on colors, shapes, letters and numbers.  I'd say letters are his favorite and he enjoys "reading" them in various places.  He has really learned them from the Melissa & Doug puzzle we got him for his birthday--highly recommend it!

He knows almost all of the letters and knows that "N" is for Nate (he will finallllllllly say his name!) Another funny is that he won't say "M," but rather says "monkeys." Ha

For numbers, he can count to 13!  Sometimes he likes to skip 7&8.

Working on sentences:
Though his first "real" sentence was "[Where] are you"/"There you are" I really wish I could claim it was this newest one: "Daddy at work."  Lately he's very concerned about where people are- including when Joel's not home/with us.  It started when we drove separate to church and I said Daddy was in his car.  Then during the week he would say "Daddy car" and I'd reply, "Yes, Daddy's in his car.  He's at work"  To which "Daddy at work" came to be.  It has now been extended to "Daddy not home. Daddy at work."

Baby stuff:
He's doing great not being too jealous of Cole, but something funny that he does do is ask for a "turn" in the exersaucer.  It took me a while to catch on to what he was saying since we don't have to deal to much with taking turns at home.  He's very sweet about it and isn't pushy trying to kick Cole out or anything....yet.

If he wants to you pick him up he'll say "Carry you" and something about that makes me want to melt :-)

We're working on getting him off of the pacifier (he calls it "see") and only has it at naptime/nighttime.  We started having him put it in a bucket after he got up and that routine is going great.  He's teething the first of his eye teeth and it's been rough, so we probably won't out the paci completely until after that is done!

Other words:

One of his funniest pronunciations is for milk, he calls it "musha." 

He's picking up words quickly now if he wants to.  Before Nana & Papa came last week I pulled up pictures of them on the computer and we "practiced."  Of course they were both so excited to be greeted with their names!

And I'll leave you with this video--Nate's discovery of a certain item (Joel loves this!)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy (Early) Birthday to Me.

My birthday is this Friday--reminder for any of you who forgot to get me something....j/k

I'm gifting myself my own little piece of the internet in the form of another blog.  One that's just for me to talk about shopping and cooking and decorating and all those other things I enjoy aside from being a mom to my two awesome little boys :-)

If you would like to give it a try send me an email ( and I will send you the link :-)

Sunday, May 8, 2011