Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dog Blog

It's been awhile since I've posted about my beloved Sammy dog, who is actually not so beloved today since he ate one of my shoes this afternoon, but nonetheless there's not much else going on....

Sammy has a new found love for this red blanket....MY red blanket. Even though it's extremely warm right now, I find him on most mornings completely wrapped in the blanket. So last night I substituted one of HIS blankets on the couch when we went to bed and put the red blanket on a barstool. Now where did I find Sammy this morning? UNDER the barstool wrapped in the red blanket that he somehow got down. I guess he showed me.

Wakeup sleepy head

See it's MY blanket...and Sammy makes a good pillow

Sammy also makes an ok barbell, since he's a little chunky. haha I think he had enough after one rep.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Enough said---although we're praying for no more hurricanes!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

5 Things I Love Right Now

My local morning radio show does a segment where each of the cast members tells five things that they are really into at the moment. So here's my go at it:

1. Mad Men on AMC-

It's a drama about a 1960's advertising agency, and the lives of the "Mad Men" as they were called. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's as close as we're getting to the well produced dramas of HBO & Showtime without getting premium channels (one of the producers and the writer/creator worked on The Sopranos). It's definitely worth watching.

2. McDonald's Vanilla Iced Coffee-

I am officially addicted to these! There's
nothing better on a hot, summer
afternoon than a cold iced coffee
(and the caffeine really helps me
get through the day).
The large is a little over $2
and is huge! Quite a deal compared
to Starbucks.

3. Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm w/ Pomegranate Oil

I'm not a big lipstick girl, but I do love this lip balm. The pomegranate oil gives it a hue similar to the cap color. I keep one in my top drawer at work and am constantly reaching for it. Not to mention that it's made in my home state of NC.

4. The Fashionista Diaries on SoapNet-

I'm a sucker for girly reality tv as it is--The Hills, Laguna Beach (or now Newport Harbour), Project Runway, etc.... so I just had to give this show a try. It follows 6 assistants in the NYC fashion industry who are vying for permanent positions at the companies they are working for--Flirt! makeup, Jane magazine and Seventh House PR. I really like Rachel and Tina...and Bridget is entertaining.

5. Oka B. Sandals-

These are a cute and girly alternative
to Crocs. They are made from that
rubbery-type material, have
massaging support and you can

change the bows. These are made in Buford, GA (the next town over from me.)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday Thirteen-- Favorite Movies

Here are 13 of my favorite movies--in no particular order

1. Almost Famous-- My and Joel's favorite movie

2. Forrest Gump

3. Clueless

4. Chicago

5. A Beautiful Mind

6. When Harry Met Sally

7. Moulin Rouge

8. My Fair Lady

9. Love Actually

10. The Family Man

11. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

12. Legally Blonde

13. The Breakfast Club

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Too tired to be witty

I realized that it takes me until Thursday to recover from the past weekend to post. So this week I'm being a little more proactive. Maybe I'll even get a Thursday Thirteen in tomorrow.

This past weekend we traveled to Charlotte to see The Lion King with Sharla, Josh and some of their family. This is becoming a tradition, as we all saw Chicago together last summer. (Sharla and I forgot to take a picture again...)
Do I look skinnier yet? Well, I should because I lost a whole 0 POUNDS my first month of training. That's frustrating, but I can tell a difference and have gone down a pant size...I guess I've just added a lot of muscle. Hopefully next month I'll at least lose something. I'm so worn out today though--just finished my 3rd day of training in a row and I'm off until Sunday. Only 7 more weeks to go! Oh, and both of our passports came last week! I'm so glad they came in plenty of time so I didn't have to stress over it (not like there would have been anything I could do).