Tuesday, August 19, 2008

10 and 11 Weeks

10 Weeks

11 Weeks

Getting bigger and bigger....we're excited for Sharla, Josh and Jackson to visit this weekend! Going to get Sharla to help me look at some things at Babies R Us and do some maternity clothes shopping! We're also anxious to see how Sammy does around Jackson, since he's never been around a baby before...he should know to be on his best behavior!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3rd Doctor's Appointment

We had our 3rd doctor's appointment today, but the first at the new practice. We met with Dr. Anthony, one of the two doctors. We did all the normal visit stuff and heard the heartbeat by the doppler. Since it will be 8 weeks until our next ultrasound--the one where we find out if Ace is a boy or a girl!!!--she did a quick ultrasound for us on an older machine, just so we could see our little baby, but it couldn't print out a picture. He/she was swimming and kicking around and looked much different than our first ultrasound, with actual arms and legs.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

9 weeks

My weight is still down from where I started, but my belly lump says otherwise! I'm starting to feel better this week, although my hormones are still slightly raging. They seem to manifest in crying at something Joel did, said, etc rather than anger at my co-workers.

Ace took his/her first boat ride this week with our new friends Meredith (hereby known as Aunt Mer) & Dave. They went to church with my friend April Brown Erichsen from Meredith...and moved to GA in June--only 1 town away from us. They were fabulous hosts on the boat, and their marina had a low country boil that night that they invited us to. Joel tried wakeboarding and I just enjoyed the ride! Silly me forgot my camera...so no pictures :-(

Friday, August 1, 2008

Awkward Week!

Holy Hormones! They totally kicked in this week! Apparently pregnancy makes me a little, um...witchy. Mostly this was evident at work, since I was having trouble dealing with some of my co-workers. Usually I'm cool as a cucumber and just let things roll off of my back, but this week I definitely had to press many issues that I would normally let go. I was able to write-off my bad mood one day blaming a storm that had kept me up the previous night (which was true). But then the next day I was still in a crabby mood. One co-worker even said "you're still not feeling well, are you?" So I must have had a scowl on my face to go with my bad attitude. :-)

So things were already weird at work (and I'm bothered because everyone just thinks I'm nuts, rather than pregnant)...and then we had a baby shower for a woman in the office. Towards the end of the shower people start chatting about who will have the next baby, and all eyes are suddenly on me. So I have to make a big deal about it not being me (sorry, Ace) and try to change the subject. I guess in a few weeks the joke will be on them.