Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Slow start, but he's on his way!

Nate had barely regained his birth weight by three weeks...but now at 9 weeks he's up to 13 lbs. 9 oz. (90 %)! My big boy loves to eat! He's also 23 inches long (50%).

We had a good checkup today and Nate is looking great. He got his first round of vaccines and is now soundly sleeping. Mommy is hoping that the vaccines help out with naps today...Nate's not a fan of sleeping for more than 45 minutes at a time...and I have lots of packing to do!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Mother's Day

I had a very nice first Mother's Day. I received cards from Joel and Nate and a gift certificate to a spa--yay! We went to church, Aunt Lauren came to watch Nate for a few hours and Joel and I went to the outlets and then we enjoyed a dinner of Outback take out. We have a busy week ahead and Nate and I leave on Thursday for North Carolina!

Two Months!

Nate is two months old today! Here are a few pictures of what he's been up to lately!

There was a rainbow during our Saturday night trip to the park

Nate and Sammy are getting along fine! Sammy knows not to get too close to Nate and is really more interested in stealing his bottle, pacifiers or other toys.

Nate absolutely loves his mobile...sadly though it only runs for 3 minutes after winding it. I bought a new mobile today that runs for 18 minutes. Hopefully he will just as much as his sailboat one.

This robe was a gift from a friend at church...too cute with the sailboat on it!

And here's Nate's 2 month picture with Oatmeal and his 6 week picture for comparison. Since he has on the same outfit you can see that he's filling it out a lot more! He's starting to outgrow some of his 0-3 month clothes. He has his checkup on Tuesday and will get his first round of vaccinations :-( I'll update with his length and weight stats after the appointment.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Nate has finally taken a liking to his bouncy seat. This makes us very happy as it is another thing to help entertain him...and he looks pretty cute in it too!


Nate was getting a little fussy this afternoon, so I decided we would go for a walk. I had been thinking about using the "big kid seat" for his stroller...especially with our trip to NC coming up and how mom and I have a big mall day planned. He tends to scream for 5 minutes after getting him strapped into his carrier seat and it's difficult to get him in and out. I didn't want to think about doing that multiple times during our outing.

We tried it out today on a walk around the neighborhood and since I was in a good mood I decided to bring Sammy along too. This was a rare treat, because Sammy isn't the best walker. So, off we went...the potential for disaster was high, but would you believe that neither of my boys made a peep! Nate seemed to enjoy the ride his big boy seat , Sammy heeled (without prompting) better than he has in a very long time and didn't bark at any car, person or animal that we passed! I was even on my best behavior and went a little farther than I had planned since it was going so well.

Nate in his big boy stroller seat

Happy Sammy!