Friday, April 16, 2010

What Nate is doing!

*2nd go at this....darn Windows 7 for making our computer freeze**

So, I'm going to abandon the "monthly" Nate posts and just post with things that are fun, new and interesting. I'm trying to focus on getting photos and videos updated in a timely manner to SmugMug for the families and then I don't seem to have too much time to blog after that.

We are enjoying the Spring weather and will especially happy when our neighborhood pool opens the weekend before Memorial Day. Nate still likes his water table...but we have to keep it really clean because he enjoys drinking big cups of water from it. Not fun.

I am praying that Nate's top teeth will come in 13 months he still only has 2 teeth. This makes it hard for him to eat some foods. I also like to blame every rough day or bad mood on teething, but that obviously hasn't been true yet.

Nate is a rough and tumble kid- he plays hard and usually isn't too upset when he falls or bumps himself.

He loves to push and pull things, climb under and now on top (yikes) of things.

He's a real attention hog and if you smile at him nicely he'll likely want you to hold him or give you a hug.

I'm sure I'll think of more things later....for now just check out all our new pictures and videos :-)