Tuesday, October 19, 2010

30 weeks!

So, it's been a little while (10 weeks, oops), but life is sooo busy!  I was reading a blog that I stalk about a mother who is on her 2nd pregnancy also and is trying to document everything the same or better, since she was a 2nd child herself and felt forgotten/neglected in the details sometimes.  Well, Joel and I are both firstborns, so we don't have that sympathy.  I know once he's here I'll baby little brother to death and he'll probably get lots of "extras" since we're planning for him to be the last child.  Anyway, here's how we're doing at 30 weeks.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Size of baby: weighs 3 pounds 9 ounces (from the ultrasound)- 54th percentile
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +16lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Mostly maternity clothes but still a few regular things.
Gender: BOY!
Movement: Lots- he got "extra points" at the ultrasound today for movement.  Starting to get bony jabs now.
What I miss: ?
Sleep: Having to get up at least twice a night to go to the bathroom.  Crazy dreams have died down a little bit.
Symptoms: Had a few Braxton Hicks contractions yesterday...definitely starting to move slower.
Cravings: Lots of chocolate.
Best Moment this week: Nate really starting to notice my belly.  He thinks it's hilarious.  Of course he has no idea there's a baby in there!
What I am looking forward to: Starting the countdown!  If all is well my doctor said I can be induced on Dec 20th (39 weeks) so we can be home for Christmas! 

And because I've had soooo many requests, here are 2 belly pics (the lazy self-in-the-mirror kind).  Please ignore dirty mirror and roll of toilet paper on the floor.