Monday, November 24, 2008

24 Weeks and Nursery Progress

I've come to terms with the fact that I will never be as good at updating the blog as Sharla! She is right on time with the weekly updates, but I'm more of a bi-weekly girl. :-)

So here's 24 weeks! I'm really showing if co-workers (that work outside of the office, but happen to come by), church members or even just people out (so far a grocery cashier, a cashier at Moe's, and a waitress at a lunch place by work) didn't know yet, they do now! I don't think I've ever been asked "how are you feeling?" so much in my entire life! I am feeling generally well and am trying not to complain too much (Joel might have a different take on this) since I know the 3rd trimester will be especially uncomfortable.

I have also told my managers that I won't be returning and they were very supportive of my decision...I really couldn't have asked for it to have gone any better. 3 months and counting until I will be working at home.

Joel is working very hard on Ace's room--He has ripped out the carpet, put up the beadboard and is now working on painting. Here are some progress shots--the beadboard will be white and the top will be blue.

We're looking forward to a mini-vacation in Highlands, NC for Thanksgiving. We are going to drive up Wednesday afternoon/evening and come back on Saturday. I'll definitely have pictures from our trip!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sammy- aka The Ladies Man

Now that it's colder, we're getting good use out of the gas logs that we scored for cheap at the end of Winter last year. Sammy really seems to like them, but his lying by the fire makes me think that he'd be a lot happier if he had a lady friend to join him. When Joel was taking these pictures all I could imagine was how they looked like they should be profile photos on and how Sammy's profile would read...enjoys sleeping all day, rawhide bones and short walks around the neighborhood.

Sorry Sammy, I think I'm destined to be the only lady in your life :-)

22 Weeks

Everything is still going well. We had a doctors appointment last week and met the other doctor in the practice. We liked her just as much as the first one, so that was good. I'll go back at 26 weeks and have the dreaded glucose test..blah!

We (by we I mean Joel) have started working on the nursery and we are going to register at Babies R Us today. We'll also mark "go to a rock concert" off of the things to do before the baby arrives checklist at the Coldplay concert tonight.

Stay tuned in the next couple of weeks for the announcement of Ace's real name...:-)