Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This should be a fun post :-) I think the real interesting thing about cravings are the logistical issues that they create. You always hear stories about late night cravings, etc. I've never had those. With Nate I had morning cravings--as in 2 bowls of cereal and then a "2nd breakfast" which meant I had to keep my stock of cereal since I was going through several boxes a week and then take my extra breakfast to work.

This time my cravings (and most of my hunger for the day) is centered around lunchtime. This brings a whole other set of issues.

1- Mostly I am wanting something I have to go out to get. I feel bad about this since I know it's expensive and often unhealthy. I tried to stifle my craving for a certain greek salad, that is completely unrealistic to get to with our schedule, by making my own. After spending close to $20 to get all the ingredients (which could have made probably 5 salads) I made it and it just didn't taste right. I think I had 2 then I decided maybe it was just best to give in to the cravings and not go crazy buying stuff at the grocery store I may or may not eat.

2- It is best if Nate goes down for nap around 11:30-12. Many places do not open until 11. This means that, like today, I am sitting in the parking lot of Moe's at 10:55 waiting for them to turn the open sign on so I can bust in to get my Close Talker with chicken to go! I have also gotten in line at the Chick Fil A drive thru at 10:32, ordered my #1 only to realize that they think I want breakfast and am told it will be 6 minutes until I can get my chicken sandwich and waffle fries :-( Needless to say I just at breakfast for lunch that day. Also, I would love it if every place had a drive through. I won't feel so guilty once I really look like a crazed pregnant lady; but for now I feel a little silly dragging my toddler out of the car just to get mommy's lunch. It would also be more fun if Nate didn't nap at lunchtime so I could meet friends out for lunch. For now I usually eat on the couch and catch up on dvr. (I won't really complain about his nap though...I would like it to stick around as long as possible!)

3- Location, location, location. If I know what I want I often plan our morning outings/errands around where I need to be to get my lunch. (Sad right?) This is crucial when craving Bojangles or Krystal, since there is only one of each in our area. Also, sadly, sometimes you have to frequent more than one grocery store to locate the exact sushi roll you are craving.

4- Neglected husband. I have not been good about planning meals. I'll cook maybe once a week (usually Monday), we'll eat leftovers Tuesday, church on Wednesday and then it's downhill from there. Many nights Joel comes in the door starving and I haven't even thought about heating anything up. Hopefully, for his sake, my appetite will kick in a little bit more around dinnertime.

So, that was probably way more than you wanted to know about my cravings.
Hope you got a laugh :-)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Finished Deck!

After several months, tedious sanding, patching, replacing boards, picking out a stain, too much rain, and a bout with bats in our attic vent we are proud to announce that our deck is finally finished! Our deck furniture that was delivered months ago has finally found its home. We are looking forward to much lounging out here during our staycation next week!

Fun with Sharla and Jackson!

Nate and I took a quick trip to visit Sharla and Jackson at their new house! We had a fun time playing, visiting Lazy 5 Ranch and Sharla and I even got to go out to dinner without kids! Yay!

Here are a few pictures from the ranch and then a cute video of Jackson and Nate.

Those birds were SCARY. Notice Sharla's hand blocking Jackson's face, as in "bird, don't eat my baby!"
Nate actually smiled at those crazy birds....and then I rolled his window up!

What do you think?

I've added a poll so everyone can weigh in on whether baby #2 will be a boy or girl. I think these are always fun, so be sure to leave your vote!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Big News!

Here's our newest addition who will be debuting around Christmas- hopefully before if I have my way :-)

I'm already feeling the second child guilt for this one as I haven't documented anything from this pregnancy so far. I have seen a lot of people using the format below for updates, so I'm going to try it out! I guess y'all can leave a comment if you have any specific question that I've not answered!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 13 Weeks
Size of baby: 3 inches long and weighs almost 1 ounce.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Lost 7 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I wear workout clothes to hang out mostly. I am wearing one pair of maternity capris that I loved when I was pregnant with Nate. Wearing normal shirts.
Gender: Will know in 6-7 weeks
Movement: Not yet, but ready for it!
What I miss: Having more energy and patience to keep up with Nate.
Sleep: Not good. Crazy dreams EVERY NIGHT. Medicating myself with benedryl as the doctor recommended, but it usually wears off around 5:30am, so I have odd dreams from then until I get up.
Symptoms: Crazy dreams are the worst...and a few more that no one wants to hear about.
Cravings: Sushi (cooked), Mexican food
Best Moment this week: Hearing his/her heartbeat at my checkup (170bpm) and sharing the news with all our friends and family.
What I am looking forward to: Shopping and planning the nursery once we know the sex!

Monday, June 14, 2010

15 months!

Well, I realized it's been 2 months since I went to our "freeform" Nate I'm sure you are all ready for one!

Nate had his 15 month checkup last Friday. He is weighing in at 25lb 5oz (just under the 75th percentile) and measuring 32 3/4 in tall (90th percentile).

His top 2 teeth did come in, and he has another one on top trying to work its way through.

He is still very mobile and has been enjoying running, going backwards, turning in circles, climbing in, under and on top of everything.

We have definitely entered the "pointing" phase. Nate is also understanding us more--knowing to go to the stairs if we say upstairs, to the highchair if we say eat or snack, etc.

His language is progressing, words include Mama, Dada, bye bye, up, wah (water) and still plenty of jabbering! Also cute is when singing Twinkle, Twinkle he will sing "up above."

Tantrums are progressing also! Yay! He is quick to get upset when he doesn't get what he wants. No public tantrums yet, although I know they are coming :-(

Other adorable things- will hold his hand up to his ear like a phone if he hears a phone/ringing sound, gives Sammy full hugs....I know there are more, just hard to think of when he keeps coming over to get my attention by crying :-) Off to play with my boy!

PS- lots of updated pictures on SmugMug!