Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Husband is a Compulsive Mower

No, you really don't really know someone until you marry them....

and I had no idea I married a compulsive lawn mower. He's done it before...we'd be sitting around watching t.v. and he'd look at me and out of the blue say "I think I'm going to go mow the grass." And just now, as I was sitting in the office working on the previous blog all of a sudden, there he is, revving up the lawn mower at 8:00 at night?!?

I guess I should praise him for his initiative, but it is still just a little strange to me...

The Floors are done!

But Joel and I can not take all of the credit....

Last week Joel found out that he was getting a promotion (he will now be a Trust Advisor, with his own book of clients) and gets to work in an office that is 9 miles from our house (his commute was 28 miles). After much celebration he decided to give our contractor/neighbor a call and have his guys come finish the floor. They finished the remaining 400 square feet in half a day. Whew! Joel is willing to give up some of the more labor intensive jobs to contractors in the future, and would like to more actively pursue woodworking (which he is currently doing in the form of a trellis for our front yard).

Most importantly---Sammy thinks the hardwoods are just as good for napping as the old carpet.
A few before and afters:

These are a little dark, but you get the idea

We are really pleased with the way they turned out!

Monday, April 16, 2007

We are...

still a little sticky--from all of the glue that got
when putting down our hardwood floors this weekend. We must have washed our hands a hundred times each! And our joints are still a little sticky too, from manuevering all over the concrete floor. Probably need to get a new bottle of Advil so we can make it through the rest of this project!

Here is Joel laying out some of the dreaded glue...

And the finished product (I still need to wipe them down since we tracked dust in on them)


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Weekend Update

It's been a crazy week for me, so I'm late on the update...

We're done with the painting/chair rail in the office! (Note to other home owners--chair rail is much, much easier than crown moulding!)

Now this is the current state of affairs in the Penny house--all of the office furniture is still in the dining room, we pulled up the carpet in the foyer and hallway. Sammy is very confused about all of this and continues to try to run his "track" around the dining room table, but all he can manage to do is run in the dining room, under the table, and then back out into the living room.

I got Joel an Easter paint bucket and was surprised at how much he liked it. I knew there was no point in getting him a real basket, since he would surely hand it right back to me to find a home for it.

Joel was not thrilled about my picture taking and decided a silly picture would be more fun...because in his words "adults giving each other easter baskets is kind of silly"

Thursday, April 5, 2007

The week in pictures

Sammy taking a little snooze before we tore up the carpet in the office.

The "before" pictures--with carpet torn up, and Joel has already taking out the door casing to get ready for the new door

Step one: putting on the top color. I've gotten pretty good at this painting thing.

Step Two: Painting the red on the bottom

Next up- steps three through....

And a typical night at the Penny house--

Sammy and me watching tv (probably some house flipping show)

Sammy giving me the "sad eyes"

Sad eyes gets Sammy a treat, which he is obviously really wanting!

Tommorrow is Good Friday, so no work for me! I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What I miss most about my old job...

the cake! We had monthly birthday celebrations, with the most delicious cakes http://www.pieceofcakeinc.com/cakes.php

My personal fav is thewhich sadly is only available Sept-Nov. I'm sure my odds of talking Joel into a Thanksgiving banana cake instead of his sweet potato pie are slim to none.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

How we got here

Here's a quick recap of our lives for the past almost 3 years (with pictures, because pictures are the best part of a blog):

Amy's Graduation


Joel's Graduation

Joel's graduation

Wedding- May 30, 2004

honeymoon in Florida/Bahamas, back to NC to pack and move to Atlanta,


Joel starts job at Bank of America

Amy looks desperately for job, spends most of the summer traveling back to NC for weddings


Girly group
Kim & Matt's Wedding

Todd & Amy's Wedding

settles for job as a Teller at Bank of America...finally lands much better job at an investments firm.

Happy New Year 2005! (I should have a pic from this....)
decide to buy a house and move to the suburbs

2925 Northcliff Drive

Amy begs and begs for a puppy

Posing for the camera and gets this cutie, Sammy!

Joel starts new job at Wachovia in March 2005.

Let the renovations begin!

Master Bedroom--Before

Finished Bedroom!

Celebrate our first anniversary with a trip to Charleston

On the swings at the pier

Our good friend, Liz, comes to live with us while she attends Medical School

I'm jealous of Liz's drinking face

Back to MC for Cornhuskin! (But it just wasn't the same...)

Me & Sharla before the parade

04 at Playmakers

Sammy's First Christmas

Happy New Year 2006!

Cute boys

Sammy's First Birthday
He really enjoyed his cupcake

More renovations!
Joel working on the crown moulding

We finally got a vacation--we went to the Outer Banks and Atlantic Beach for our 2nd Anniversary

At our hotel in Kitty Hawk

My sisters came to visit

Kara gets married!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year, 2007!

Seafood Fest 2007

RIP Pinchy

Back to NC for Rex & Liz's wedding

got to visit with my sis at the Coffeeshop where she works