Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cole is 6 months old!

Poor Cole is definitely a second child...I'm a little behind on his updates.  But no news is good news and our little guy is doing great!

Here are his 3, 4, 5 and 6 month bear pictures (I have been good about taking those!)

 At 4 months he was weighing 15 lbs 11.5 oz (50%) and was 24.75 inches (25-50%)


We just had his 6 month checkup yesterday and he is weighing 17 lb 5.5 oz (50%) and is 26.5 inches (25-50%) He is average sized, which is great in making up the 3 month seasonal difference in hand-me-down clothes from Nate.  I just unpacked all of the 9 month clothes I had saved, most of which Nate wore on our beach trip, and Cole will fit in them perfectly when he takes his first trip to the beach in July!

Cole is FINALLY sleeping through the night.  It clicked about a month ago.  He will still stir some, but I have started running a fan next to my bed so I don't hear him as much and he will settle down on his own.

We are working on eating cereal, which he doesn't like at all and I have to make him laugh to open his mouth and then shove it in. 

He is getting more interactive and loves when you sing to him.  His most favorite thing is anytime Nate plays him any attention!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Movie Night!

We decided to have a movie night, let Nate try popcorn (now that he finally has enough teeth) and watch Tangled!

Step 1: Jammies :-)

Step 2: Make popcorn (the real on the stove kind!)

Step 3: Taste and settle in for a good movie!

Nate did really great and watched most of the movie, aside from  going to his playroom for a little bit.  We'll definitely do more movie nights!