Sunday, July 3, 2011


Feeding Nate his first cereal is one of my favorite's so funny how different it was for Cole.  I had been putting it off for a while and finally decided it was time.  He was not much of a fan....

Then with us making a big deal about cereal, Nate chimes in and says that he wants a bowl of cereal too!

Oh, these boys!

I'd been trying to shove rice cereal into Cole every night. He would be so tight lipped I'd have to make him laugh to get any in!  It was pretty frustrating. At his dr's appt I said that he wasn't a big fan and she said just to try a different kind of cereal- I didn't even think of that!  So, we have now switched to oatmeal cereal, which he loves!  I guess we will start fruits and veggies soon too.

Nate the Photographer

We were stuck at home one day last week when Nate ran a fever and I happened to find our old digital camera.  Thinking it might entertain him for a while I gave it to him....and he really enjoyed playing with it!  Started off with a good self-portrait....

then moved on to some (lots) of random shots (many with a finger over the lens)

But if you are diligent, you'll come out with a few gems...Like this one of Cole!

He even gave Mommy a little love.  I'm assuming he cut off the top of my head because I was having a bad hair day :-)
Maybe I'll do these posts periodically and see what Nate captures!