Monday, January 26, 2009

Work Shower

On Friday I had my work shower...very appropriately it was held at a bar. I'm sure Nate will enjoy this fact one day. One of my co-workers took some pictures that I need to get...but one of my favorite parts was this sign that they had the local wholesaler make for us!

Maternity Pictures

Over the MLK weekend, Joel took some maternity shots of me. They turned out really well--

Our 1st baby's birthday

January 12th was Sammy's 4th birthday...he and Joel will be the same age this year (28) but for now Sammy is older :-)

As always, I got Sammy some doggie ice cream to enjoy. He was particularly protective of it this was pretty hilarious even trying to move the cup to get a better picture.

In other pet news- our fish, Latte, went to fishy heaven on New Year's Day. After we got back from Christmas at home I noticed he was pretty sluggish. We'll miss you, Latte!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nate's Room

Nate's room is finally done!
Mostly...we still need sheets for the crib and a cover for the changing table, but we have made a lot of progress

Sammy is very curious about this room and is wondering what the big deal is...

Joel's sister, Lauren, made this adorable diaper wreath for our's too cute!

Wrapping up 2008!

Be prepared for a mega-post here!

December was a super busy month for us...preparing for Christmas, parties, wrapping up the year at work, us both being sick for a week and trying to get Nate's room ready!

We had a great trip home for Christmas and were even surprised with a baby shower after opening presents at Joel's parents house.I was able to fulfill my craving for Crazy Fire at lunch with Nelson, Rachel and Adam and we hit a few of our favorite NC dining establishments--Smithfields BBQ and Cook Out. We also got to see Ben & Molly, Rex & Liz and Melissa...always good to catch up with our HCHS buddies.

We returned home on Sunday and have enjoyed this past week sleeping in, relaxing, working on Nate's room, and watching How I Met Your Mother on DVD (thanks Megan!) We went out to dinner on New Year's Eve to California Dreaming, one of our favorite restaurants.

This week I have also been battling a hive-like rash that has mysteriously broken out over half of my body. So, slathering Benedryl cream all over and daily oatmeal baths have been part of my routine this week. I went to the doctor on Tuesday to have her look at it and she said it is just something that can happen to some pregnant women... Thankfully I feel like it is getting better and will hopefully not have to resort to more intense medicine, since it may not go away completely until after I deliver. Here is the 30 weeks belly picture, you can see a little bit of the remaining rash on my hand.