Thursday, February 19, 2009

Showers, a jealous puppy, car seat and a new car!

It has been a busy couple of weeks! I'm definitely counting down my last days of work (even though they are still in denial that I'm leaving for good...but that's another issue)!

Two weekends ago our Sunday School class threw us a shower....we had yummy Mexican food and Sharla also came to join in the festivities!

Here's the proof that my work party was at a bar--notice the Patron machine? :-)

Sammy loves to hang out in Nate's room when I'm doing things in particular he likes to try to steal some of his toys. He was successful and then hit under the crib...this is an issue we'll need to address right away!
Car seat installation has been a tough task...and nearly impossible to locate an authorized individual to help install/inspect it. We got some tips from friends after church on Sunday and I couldn't resist snapping a pic of the guys huddled around the car.
Over the long President's Day weekend we tackled car shopping. We decided to go ahead and get a newer larger vehicle (since me, Joel, Sammy and all our stuff barely fit in the Camry for trips home). We purchased this 2006 Honda Pilot which I am loving...I think Joel's a little jealous, but I'll let him drive me and Nate around in it on the weekends :-)

We also had our Valentine's Day date on Sunday at Seasons was really yummy and probably our last date out for a while.

I'll hopefully be better about updating once I finish up with work next week, or once Nate arrives, whichever comes first!