Friday, November 19, 2010

34 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 34 Weeks
Size of baby: weighs 5 pounds 3 ounces (from the ultrasound)- 49th percentile
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +21lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Mostly maternity clothes but still a few regular things (like cardigans and shoes, haha.)
Gender: BOY!
Movement: Yes, and they're getting more uncomfortable by the day...
What I miss: A good night's sleep (not that I have many of these coming in the future) and not always feeling rundown.
Sleep: Having to get up at least twice a night to go to the bathroom.  Crazy dreams have returned, blah.
Symptoms: Just really moving slower.
Cravings: Something different every day...but one consistent one is Sonic Vanilla Coke Zero!
Best Moment this week: Seeing that little brother is head down on the ultrasound and looking great!
What I am looking forward to: Our shower this weekend and fun family times for Thanksgiving!

20 months!

Our little guy, soon to be big brother, is growing up so fast!  Be prepared for a scattered post here because I don't have a good format going for these yet and am just kind of winging it (with pregnancy brain nonetheless!)
Nate is weighing in around 27.5 lbs and I have no idea how tall he is (I keep meaning to measure), but he's wearing size 2t tops and 24 month bottoms.  He is up to 7 teeth...I swear he may be teething in college!  His eating habits are getting a little better, but he still shows no desire to eat with a spoon.  He is still a really busy guy!  His running and climbing skills are getting better, he can climb up stairs while holding a rail or someone's hand.  He loves to play on the "big kid" playground rather than the ones for his age and has no fear on the big slides!  I have started "training" him to hold hands to walk into stores or church since I know I will soon need my hands to carry little brother and not Nate.  He's doing well with this, aside from the occasional deciding he needed to sit on the sidewalk as we were leaving Kohls this week.  

He is adding new words everyday...although we are still at a stage where it is often hard for him to communicate what he wants.  Here are some of his favorite/most commonly used words (sorry the list is long, but I haven't done a good update on this lately):

Sit- this means, I must sit square in your lap to read a book.  This proves difficult for me and my lap is ever shrinking...but I do love how much he likes to read.
Side- as in "outside"
See- learned this from me saying "see you later" to the house anytime we leave
Choo-choo- anytime he sees Thomas the Train it's all about "choo-choo"
Hi/Bye- These are still his very favorite words
Sa- Sammy
Dat- this is a funny one, he calls himself "Dat"  In an attempt for him to learn to say his name, I started asking him "Who's that?" when looking at a picture of him or in the mirror and so, naturally, he will point and say "dat!"  Guess I should have said "There's Nate!"
Ding- When the toaster oven goes off he'll chime in afterwards with "ding!"  He also has a toy that has a bird that hits a bell and goes ding!
EIEIO- His See-N-Say sings Old McDonald and when it finishes he will repeat EIEIO
tee-cle- "twinkle"...took me a while to figure this one out, but he will make the stars with his hands and say tee-cle
No- We hit the "no" phase a few weeks ago, where he just started answering no to everything.  He's started using it more appropriately...especially saying "no, no" when he's doing something he knows he's not supposed to do.

His favorite thing to do right now is read books.  He is getting better about playing independently (but only when I am completely out of sight) and I often come back to find him reading books.  His favorites are Goodnight Gorilla, Blue Hat Green Hat, That's Not My Puppy, and a Baby Einstein big picture book.  He has also been OBSESSED with the holiday toy catalogs.  We didn't even show them to him, but he picked one up and loves to look through them as though he is reading a book to point out Thomas (choo-choo!), Elmo and other toys that he has or characters he recognizes.  Chase is one of his favorite games and anything silly like Hide & Seek, Peekaboo, I'm gonna beat you (we play this going up the stairs so he doesn't take for-e-ver!)  He's really starting to get into Sesame Street, especially Play With Me Sesame, and Barney.  And as much as he loves to say choo-choo and recognize Thomas, he could really care less about the show.  

Here are a few quirky things that he does-
Before he gets out of the crib he must throw out every blanket and stuffed animal.

If he has a paci and sees a different one he will go and switch it out.  He may continue to walk around with the first one in his and and then switch it again.

Ok, I'm running out of energy and still need to do a pregnancy post...I'll leave you with 2 pics I stole from Sharla from their visit this past weekend....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trunk or Treat/Halloween

We attended our church's annual Trunk or Treat again this year.  We decided we were not up for doing a "trunk" but went to enjoy the festivities.  

Nate got to enjoy several suckers.

Getting hugs from his buddy, Carlton aka "Thomas"

Nate's favorite trunk was the Thomas the Train Trunk by the Wallaces (Carlton's family).  Nate kept stealing the trains from their display.

He got a cool snake painted on his hand by our friend Mrs. Brandy

All hyped up on sugar, once we got home he played in his costume for a while.

And this was Nate's opinion of actual Halloween:

He woke up crabby from his nap on Sunday afternoon.  We dressed him up to go to our neighborhood party, but ended up only staying 10 minutes because the party was wrapping up and Nate was fussing just to be held.  When we got home Joel wanted to put his dragon head on (which I had not attempted thus far).  Obviously, he loved it!  We decided to forgo any door to door trick or treating, since we don't really know anyone in the neighborhood and he really didn't know the difference.  Next year should be a lot more fun!

Fun at School!

Last week Nate had a "Fall Fun Fest" at school.  This being the first parent event I had no idea what to expect.  They had a big bounce house (which is where Nate stayed most of the time) along with carnival-type games to play and fun prizes.  

Here is Nate getting a tattoo!

He continues to love school and gets so excited when it's time to leave the house and once we pull into the carpool line.  Once we're in line I unbuckle him and he'll sit on the seat until it's his turn to get out.