Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving...and the name is out!

We were lucky to have the opportunity to get away for Thanksgiving and stay in a beautiful house in Highlands, NC.

This is the house where we stayed
It was so perfectly decorated!
Joel was my personal chef for the trip and kept me stuffed! He made french toast, lobster tails and filet mignon!
The outdoors were just as beautiful as inside...there were trails and landscaping all throughout the backyard, which led down to a stream that flows behind the house.
We watched movies, football, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and played a couple of hands of was just nice to get away from home and enjoy some real down time. We also took the world's windiest road to Franklin, NC to see Quantum of Solace on Thanksgiving Day. It was a nice "private showing" as we were the only ones there!
On Friday, we went into town to get lunch and do some shopping along main street. I was looking forward to trying out Nick's restaurant, but when we arrived it appeared that they were not open. Someone in the parking lot informed us that Nick had passed away that morning...we were very sad as Nick was a legend in Highlands, his restaurant having been open for over 30 years. Saturday was a gloomy day, so we packed up and headed home a little earlier than we had planned.

And now what you've all been waiting for...................Ace's real name will be.....................................

Nathaniel Joel "Nate" Penny

We think it's perfect....just like he will be, of course!