Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cole: 9 months!

Cole is 9 months old!  He has done an awesome job of not going up too fast for Mommy (though I was literally screaming and crying this past weekend when he was trying to pull up!)

He is a healthy boy, weighing in at 19 pounds 10 ounces (50%) and standing 28 inches tall (25-50%).  He continues to be fitting into the same clothes Nate wore during the same seasons, which has been so nice!  I recently unpacked all of the 12 month clothes and he is starting to move into those.

For such a fussy infant, Cole rarely fusses now.  He is awesome at bedtime and really just wants to be put in his crib and he'll go right to sleep.  When he wakes up he doesn't cry and often just plays and talks to himself! Truthfully he cries the most when he is trying to get Sammy to "play" with him and Sammy isn't having it.  He can make quite the sad face at that!  It can be hard to coax a smile out of him at times and he has a habit of sucking on his bottom's pretty cute.

He loves eating- feeding himself his bottles and picking up his own finger foods.  Poor guy still doesn't have any teeth...though it seems like he's been teething one since forever.  He also doesn't have much hair :(  And he's so pretty he often gets mistaken for a girl.  ha!

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